WiFi4EU – Next try!
After the first call failed due to technical problems, the European Commission has released an updated roadmap outlining the next steps of the WiFi4EU initiative.
Already in June of 2018, a flaw in the software delivered by a third party company was detected, and this technical issue prevented all municipalities from applying on an equal basis. The first call was supended, and all submitted applications for WiFi4EU have been cancelled. The portal remained closed for a couple of weeks.
Meanwhile, all problems are told to have been sorted out, and the portal seems to be ready for the next round. Municipalitites already registered can apply again with one click of a button, and those not yet registered are able to do so for the next call.
Since the opening of the portal, 18,000 communities have registered, which is about one quarter of all municipalities in Europe. At the beginning of August, the European Commission published a raodmap showing the further steps of the initiative. Already in the second half of September 2018 the WiFi4EU portal will open and four weeks later the next call will take place. Then all interested parties, i.e. the municipalities or their representatives, can submit their application. Six weeks later, they will be notified by email if they are entitled for a voucher an can sign the grant agreement. If the answer is positive, the hotspots can be installed. Upon completion of the setup, the installation company must report this, also through the portal, and payment will be initiated. Since the budget from the first failed round is included, this time 2,500 vouchers can be distributed.
If you have already registered, you do not have to repeat the process, just check you details and apply as soon as the call comes in this fall. But be quick to place your bid – the 1st come – 1st served principle will still rule. Good luck!
The next call is announced to early 2019.
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